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Wearable Technology

Updated: Apr 25, 2020

In this activity session we discovered a new from of interactive wearable technology which is been invented in the fashion industry, The conductive thread. This thread is one of a kind which conducts electricity. We formed in groups to create a circuit with a scenario.

We had conductive thread , a battery, a led , needle. As we wanted to create an imaginary situation where this circuit will be helpful. We conductive thread was exactly like in the size of normal thread and silver in color, It was easy for us to stitch the circuit. we first started to stitch the a pocket for holding the battery and the pointed side of the bag indicates the positive side and the other negative. it was a very plain circuit the positive side of the bag is attached to the + of led and negative to negative side.

The imaginary scenario we wanted to implement this device is to create a wearable which indicates the riders to switch on the lights of the bike when its about to get dark.The purpose of this wearable is to prevent users from accident and warn them to stay alert during sudden climatic change.

we came up with this idea within 2 hours which is quite challenging and helped me to improve my thinking capabilities within less time.

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